The special force was formed under the government's supervision as a military squad that consisted of individuals with superhuman powers. The ten individuals are ranked based on their power levels and each of the individuals has their own unique abilities. They function as a group or sometimes in separate teams. In the world where super humans are the minority race and often used as a special weaponBesides other super humans, monsters and unexplainable creatures appearance, disasters and supernatural events mostly occurred for the purpose of personal gain or to conquer the world or total annihilation. The government initially created the group to counter those . After some time, Lance took over the Special force and renamed it as 'Umbra Crux'. He 'dismissed' the person who took control of it and eventually changed the Umbra Crux not to work under the government. He decided the Umbra Crux should be dependable and Lance finances everything since he is a multimillionaire. He had the same vision that the special force was formed for. In addition to pursuing this vision, he would use Umbra as an an army whenever a world war occurred, a supernatural event occurred, a monster attack or the very least to accomplish missions given by Lance himself.
Special Provisions of Umbra Crux or known as Richard's Final Batallion is the highest rankings among all the others within the Special Force but this rank's existance is only known by Richard and the top-three Umbra X members. The Secret Force are dedicated to the protection of Richard Rose and his affiliations. Since serving and protecting Richard is the primary purpose of the Secret Force, they do not interfere with Umbra X's missions, even against major threats except when Richard's involved. They are known to do whatever is required by order of Richard himself. It only consisted of 5 members, all of which were once an Umbra X members and requirements to be promoted to this rank is within Richard's choice and also be acknowledged by the mastery and specialty of their powers. Their total power far surpasses the power of the Special Force itself.
Umbra X are comprised of ten members with exemplary powers within the Special Force. They are the top-ranked in Richard Rose's Special Force. Members of the Umbra X are ranked in numbers from 1-10, distinguishing them in terms of their power level. Each member has their own unique abilities that are described in their titles.
Subordinates are individuals that have been recruited by a certain Umbra X member and serve them. As proof of their status, the Umbra X have the right to select subordinates from among the outside the Special Force to supervise directly. They can choose one or many subordinates, or even none at all
First Class Missions are considered life threatening and usually, more than 5 Umbra X members are involved in order to accomplish this type of missions. Missions such as an all-out war, a total annihilation of the world and Richard's top priority tasks. Members which accomplished this type of mission are rewarded by a medal. [Work In Progress].
VIP Class Missions are considered less life threatening and usually, less than 3 Umbra X members are involved in order to accomplish this type of missions. Missions such as abduction, infiltrating an enemy's territory, saving a certain group from being extinct or annihilating a certain group and gathering certain information secretly. Members which accomplished this type of mission are rewarded by a medal. [Work In Progress].
Business Class Missions are considered none life threatening and usually, any Umbra X members or Subordinates are involved in order to accomplish this type of missions. Missions such as Richard's personal task, accompanying a person or as a bodyguard, clearing a certain area from riot or anarchy, obtain a certain item ordered by Richard himself etc. Members which accomplished his type of mission are rewarded with an item. [Work in Progress].
These are the basic OOC rules applied once you have entered the room.
- Keep a friendly attitude, respectful to one another and do not cause drama at all times.
- Please listen carefully to what a mod has to say/announce and above all the owner of the group.
- When a roleplay is in Progress, try and keep OOC to a minimum.
- Have fun[*]
- Anything regarding the owner's decision is final and cannot be changed or altered.
- Anime or art related anime style face claim only.
- Your character must have an appearance of a human, either a human race or appearing as a full human that has special powers. That means all others besides what is mentioned cannot join the roleplay.
- Special Powers that consists only one uniqueness, in other words. Your character must have one specialty in terms of power for example Your character have pyrokinesis, that means your character must only have a fire elements attacks and such that is related to pyrokinesis. The character can have more power ONLY within the storyline, plots and developments. Must begin with only one specialty.
- If your character does not meet the requirement, send a pm and we can discuss but it will be considered.
- All the characters involved in this roleplay are long term characters and the roleplay itself is a long term with plots, storylines and character developments.
- All the character must discuss a plot and roles will be decided by the owner.
- Storylines, plots and development are all listed and written in Richard's Story Tab based on Chapters.
These are the rules once you engaged in a combat/battle roleplay and the ones marked with [*] are discussable and the owner/mod must be involved OOCly.
- T1 Combat/Fight only no exception.
- No god-modding, meta-gaming, auto-hits, auto-block, controlling your partner's actions etc[*]
- A fight will ONLY occur within the storyline, plot, missions, exams, events and MUST be approved by the owner.[*]
- Once a battle occurred, make sure you co-operate with your partner OOCly, keep in mind with the basic OOC rules and also involve OOCly with the owner/mod.
- Characters death can only occur within the STORYLINE and by the approval of the owner. Other than that, it is not official or it is considered passed out.[*]
- Any rule that is broken for the first time is given a WARNING privately by a mod/owner.
- Second time to break the rules will be given another WARNING by the owner/mod.
- Third time to break the fules will be temporarily banned.
- The fourth time to break the rules will be permanently banned and the characers are deleted within the storyline, plots etc and their fate will be determined by the owner.
- Any rules that are not listed will be informed or annouced by the owner/mods. Thank you
Rooftop -> Helipad.
The Fifth Floor -> Richard's Room, Richard's Final Batallion Pavilion [1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5]
The Fourth floor -> Richard's Office.
The Third floor -> Control Room, Meeting Room, Mission Board(Inside control room)
The Second floor -> Studio Rooms of Umbra X. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and Subordinates
The First floor -> Research Lab, Medical Ward, Armory and Weapons.
Ground floor -> Entrance hallway, lobby, waiting room for guests, cafeteria, Garage, leftside from the entrance, hang out lobby.
Underground floor -> Underground Arena, Obstacle course Room, Gym, Basement]
Info here and text here
Title |
The Visionary |
First Class Missions |
[0] |
Medals |
None |
VIP Class Missions |
[2] |
Subordinates |
Team 2 |
Business Class Missions |
[0] |
Info here and text here
Info here and text here
Title |
The Flame Sovereign |
First Class Missions |
[0] |
Medals |
None |
VIP Class Missions |
[3] |
Subordinates |
None |
Business Class Missions |
[0] |
Title |
The Exiled |
First Class Missions |
[0] |
Medals |
None |
VIP Class Missions |
[0] |
Subordinates |
None |
Business Class Missions |
[0] |
Info here and text here
Info here and text here
Info here and text here
Title |
The Favoured |
First Class Missions |
[0] |
Medals |
None |
VIP Class Missions |
[2] |
Subordinates |
None |
Business Class Missions |
[0] |
![]() |
Orb |
First Class Mission: [0] |
![]() |
Jet Kirigaia |
First Class Mission: [0] |
![]() |
Cameron Cold |
First Class Mission: [0] |
![]() |
Saffron James |
First Class Mission: [0] |
![]() |
Daniel |
First Class Mission: [0] |
![]() |
Valentina Blackwood |
First Class Mission: [0] |
Title |
The Erratic Gypsy |
Title |
The Healer |
[Mission Code: BCM0004]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: 2 Subordinates]
[Equipments Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: '']
[Date of Mission: 20/04]
[Mission Status: Ongoing]
[Bonus Reward: Obtains a Firearm/Weapons]
[Mission Code: BCM0003]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Mr. Aknak or Xenodon/Miss. Alice Curtis]
[Equipments Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'There will be new recruits coming to the headquarter, anyone that have free time can keep them company and also dont forget to ask them about their motivation on joining the Special Force. Make sure you take notes of what they stated. After doing so, you may take the new recruits to the training grounds and let them demonstrate their powers so we all have the knowledge of what they are capable of. The last and not least, spar with them for 30 minutes so I can determine what position is suitable for them. Thanks.']
[Date of Mission: 17/03]
[Mission Status: Ongoing]
[Bonus Reward: Obtains a Firearm/Weapons]
[Mission Code: BCM0002]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipments Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'Recently I have developed a special weapon and firearms that all of you Umbra X members can use during battle or whenever the situations calls for it. Any of you who are willing to test out the gun power, you can retrieve the weapon in the firing grounds, it is located at the end of the place in a large box. Feel free to try it out and let me know which weapon you find suitable for your needs and also if you do, the weapon is all yours. ']
[Date of Mission: 17/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: Obtains a Firearm/Weapons]
[Mission Code: BCM0001]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipments Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'In the research facility, on the first floor. I have left a package there to deliver. The package must be delivered to a certain someone, I shall send you the location and the address in your phone but this won't be easy, to reach the certain someone, you'll be fighting a few 'super human' and they aren't that powerful so I suggest if any of you would want to do this task, ask other member to accompany you. One more thing, please do not open the package. Thank you.']
[Date of Mission: 19/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ????]
[Mission Code: VIP0010]
[Mission Type: Special Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: It has come to our concern that an individual named Clyde Echo may be a superhuman according to our diviner Marbles. Within the past 2 years, he had been arrested several times for robbery and theft, but he was never convicted even when concrete evidence was piled against him. The noteworthy thing here is that he was never armed and testimonies by witnesses claims that his victims "willingly gave him their valuables". Our sources indicate that Clyde is currently residing in the city of Villestown. The task at hand is to head out and investigate this Clyde Echo to see if he is indeed a superhuman. If he is, try to bring him back to Umbra X unharmed. But if he is proven to be too dangerous, I want you to prioritize your own safety.]
[Date of Mission: 28/04]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[OOC Notes: This plot includes Clyde Echo (playd by Orb).]
[Mission Code: VIP0009]
[Mission Type: Special Task]
[Assigned to: Saffron James plus one]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: Recently, there has been a serial murder case in the town of BlackJack. By our sources, the victims were mostly adult women and the crime is usually committed after midnight in dark alleys and areas where people were scarce. The victims' bodies were mutilated by what seemed like a wild animal attack, but there have been no sightings of any wild animals in the area. Our diviner Marbles has concluded that a zombie lurks within the town, so I want Saffron and a plus one, preferably an exorcist to accompany her to exterminate this evil.]
[Date of Mission: 27/04]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[OOC Notes: This plot includes Johnny Walker (played by Orb or NPC)]
[Mission Code: VIP0008]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: In recent events, we have come to take note of a mercenary who goes by the alias 'Die Hardy'. According to our sources, Die Hardy is a bomb specialist who has been involved in multiple assassinations as well as terrorism activity. Usually, these kinds of individuals are not within our jurisdiction, but our diviner Marbles has concluded that this person may be a superhuman. We have confirmed that Die Hardy will be at downtown subway but we do not know for what reason. I want you to approach Die Hardy and, if possible, bring him back alive. However, do keep in mind that this person is highly dangerous so be on your guard at all times.]
[Date of Mission: 20/04]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[OOC Notes: This plot includes Die Hardy (played by Orb)]
[Mission Code: VIP0007]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'An underground sewer in the center of the city, rumors is that I have heard. A hidden lab is located but I am not really sure where the exact locaation is, that lab held a special serum which I need to conduct on my research but not only that, the lab was built with the vision to conduct research on normal human beings to become one of us, superhumans and I do not want this to happen. I fear if this lab continues with the vision, our nightmare may eventually become true. The task is easy, infiltrate the lab and retrieve the serum and bring it to the research lab. One last thing, please make sure the place is terminated.'.]
[Date of Mission: 29/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[Mission Code: VIP0006]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'A few hours ago, at the neighbouring city. 1/4 portion of the city was destroyed. It is unknown what had caused it, but fortunately, there were no fatalities. I am concerned what had happened there, and I assume a super human like us is responsible for the fallout. I need anyone of you to investigate the area within the city and bring back any clues you may find, to me and don't forget to always keep a look out.'.]
[Date of Mission: 29/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[Mission Code: VIP0005]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'Recently there have been a string of murders involving a unique pattern. Multiple police officers have either gone missing or have their corpses found in back alleys and other related places. The strange part about these murders is that all victims have no signs of internal or external blunt trauma, nor have autopsies reported any traces of toxins and diseases in their bodies. Head out and investigate the serial killer's last known position and recover any evidence or perhaps the bodies, bring the evidence to the research lab immediately.]
[Date of Mission: 29/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[Mission Code: VIP0004]
[Mission Type: Special Task]
[Assigned to: Mr. Avocado and Mr. Charles]
[Equipment Given: Mr. Avocado: 'A Pair Of Gloves' / Mr. Charles: A broad steel sword]
[Mission Description: 'Mr. Avocado and Mr. Charles, in a previous mission. I heard by Neof's report, that you are both are pretty good at handling yourself, and worked rather well as a team. Due to this, I have a special assignment for the pair you. Within the political environment, there's a certain person who has a big influence in politics. I need the both of you to keep a watchful eye on him. Information from our intel indicates that someone from japan is planning to assassinate him. Please protect this V.I.P and find the assassin. Apprehend the assassin, I want him brought back alive for questioning. (P.S) I left your rewards from the previous mission, in the control room. Make sure you collect them, and use them, in this mission, you're going to need it.]
[Date of Mission: 29/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[OOC Notes: This plot includes Wakumi.]
[Mission Code: VIP0003]
[Mission Type: Special Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipment Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: On the edge of downtown, there's an abandoned building. Intel suggests that there is a secret passageway that's hidden somewhere on the premises. Find it! It should lead you to an underground facility. I have reason to believe that this place is were 'failed superhuman experiments' are kept and imprisoned. Based on the information that Neof provided me, the underground facility is similar to our arena, and these failed superhumans are kept within cells. These failed experiments are humans that have undergone drastic experimentation in order to gain certain powers. However, in the process, they failed to fully adopt the superhuman genome. We have reason to believe that this has allowed them to evolve into something else, something more, monster-like. I am afraid that there's nothing we can do but to eliminate them all, and destroy the place. If not, they'll be used as a 'weapon'. I am counting on you. Make sure you leave no trace of what happened here behind.'.]
[Date of Mission: 29/03]
[Mission Status: Available]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[Mission Code: VIP0002]
[Mission Type: Task]
[Assigned to: Any]
[Equipments Given: N/A]
[Mission Description: 'I have heard a rumor about a lab that is working for the government and the purpose of the lab is to annihilate all superhumans and from what I heard, they are working on an experiment. The experiment they are conducting is sourced from an individual. That individual possess a unique power. I need any one of you to rescue her, she is isolated in that lab. I shall send you a photo of her on your phone. Neof provided me with the security information that there are a hundred of men with firearms surrounding the lab and few tanks on standby, keep in mind while approaching the place, they have a high sensory detector around it so they can detect intruders easily and set the alarm. Develop a good tactic and strategy first before infiltrating. Remember, rescuing her is your top priority'.]
[Date of Mission: 20/03]
[Mission Status: Completed]
[Bonus Reward: ?????]
[Mission Code: VIP0001]
[Mission Type: Special Task]
[Assigned to: #5 Mr. Aestus and #7 Mr. Avocado]
[Equipments Given: Tracking Device]
[Mission Description: 'Mr. Aestus and Mr. Avocado, I need you to retrieve a special serum for me, I need that serum for my research. It is located in a hidden underground laboratory. The place is currently hard to locate but I have managed to create a device that can help you track where the exact location of the lab is. Once you both determined the location of the lab, be very careful and cautious at times. The security is tight and mostly are robots. The robots ability is to deflect any offensive energy back at you, they are created with a special kind of metal so killing them makes it difficult. Retrieving the serum is your top priority Mr. Aestus and Mr. Avocado, please be safe.']
[Date of Mission: 17/03]
[Mission Status: Accomplished]
[Fatalities: N/A]
[Bonus Reward: Tracking Device.]